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Oshiana's dreams of making an impact on the world came true! Her organs saved many lives, especially the one of a 12-year girl who was in kidney failure for 2 years. She was diagnosed with lupus and her doctors told her parents they cannot help her without a new kidney because her body was too weak and would not survive to adulthood. The story told to Oshiana’s Mom was that the little girl prayed to GOD for a kidney so she could make it to her birthday. The little girl’s parents were told she did not have much time left so they too prayed for a miracle. On November 5, 2019, their prayers were answered, and Oshiana was their miracle. The little girl received the lifesaving transplant she needed and made it to her 13th birthday.  She is now a happy thriving 13-year-old girl who is thankful to Oshiana for giving her a chance to grow up.

Oshiana continued her giving through organ donation and because of that generous act, 5 lives were saved, and over 600 organ tissue grafts were also made for future donations. Thanks to Oshiana’s thoughtfulness, her miracle of a donation will be forever life changing to those whose lives she touched. 

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Oshiana was a happy child full of love and hope. Oshiana was the kind of child who had a smile that could make a cold rainy day feel like a sun filled warm day. You could not help but to laugh and smile when she was around. Even as a little girl she could see she had a passion for helping people. Before the sunset of her life, Oshiana had the opportunity to give to her community through her charity work with the Neighborhood Housing Community Outreach Center of North Richmond, Ca. She then went on to continue her community service work with the Green Team Agriculture Garden Program. Oshiana would often come home excited about the work she was doing for others. Her mother Sparkle recalls Oshiana always bursting in the door of their home excited to tell her about her adventures serving the community and how much joy she gained from her day meeting new people and being able to help them. On October 31, 2019, Oshiana went to a Halloween party in Orinda hills. Her cousin Sasha Scott recalls saying she was tired and wanted to stay in for the night, but she promised a friend that she would join her at the party, so she did not have to be alone. Scott said her and Oshiana both thought the party would be a safe event because of the affluent location of the party. At the time none of us knew that going to a Halloween party to support a friend was the last act of service she would do. Oshiana did not make it home that night, but several witnesses stated they saw Oshiana trying to help others to safety before she lost her own life.

Oshiana’s family thought that after her life ended, she was done giving but in true Oshimode fashion she always had a little extra to give. In the moment of unbearable grief, Oshiana’s mother received the surprising but joyful news that Oshiana had signed up to be an organ donor when she was 16 years old. Oshiana's dreams of making an impact on the world came true! Her organs saved many lives, especially the one of a 12-year girl who was in kidney failure for 2 years. She was diagnosed with lupus and her doctors told her parents they cannot help her without a new kidney because her body was too weak and would not survive to adulthood. The story told to Oshiana’s Mom was that the little girl prayed to GOD for a kidney so she could make it to her birthday. The little girl’s parents were told she did not have much time left so they too prayed for a miracle. On November 5, 2019, their prayers were answered, and Oshiana was their miracle. The little girl received the lifesaving transplant she needed and made it to her 13th birthday. She is now a happy thriving 13-year-old girl who is thankful to Oshiana for giving her a chance to grow up. Oshiana continued her giving through organ donation and because of that generous act, 5 lives were saved, and 600 organ tissue grafts were also made for future donations. Thanks to Oshiana’s thoughtfulness, her miracle of a donation will be forever life changing to those whose lives she touched.


Photos and signs in remembrance of Oshiana by those gathered in honor of her name and her story. Oshiana's life left and impact on the lives of others

and we will carry on her legacy. 

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